Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ooooooh Lawdy It's Hawt!!

Today it got up to 95 here in normally lovely Portland, Oregon.
It didn't seem that hot before we got out of bed this morning, but my oh my... it sure did get hot later!

Ruby spent today in one of the cutest outfits she has... a gift from Auntie Jackie. She looks like she just spent a week in Hawaii, doesn't she?

By the end of the day, we had a slightly cranky and very naked baby... Lets hope we survive the next few days as it's about to get hotter!

Oh yeah.. Ruby had her one month appointment with our midwives.. she weighs 9lbs 5 oz (up two pounds in a week!) and is 20.5 inches long (grew 1.5 inches since birth!!) Our little gem is growing up!


Devon said...

Look at you workin the Snappi! I love diaper pics and chit chat :)

And OMG that Hawaiian outfit is too too much.

Alexandria said...

Ha! So many adorable pictures. Just too cute! She's going to have plenty of pictures of herself as a baby to look at! Yeah, it's hot and getting hotter here in Portland Oregon. Our second round of post-100 degree weather. And us with no air conditioning. I hope Ruby stays cool, because she sure is a very cool little lady!


Sara said...

Oh goodness, it is hot. And it's supposed to be 102 today!
She is so sweet, really, very cute. Glad to see you all doing well!